The EIA program and SEP of the Kivineva wind and solar power project have been completed!

The EIA program (environmental impact assessment program) of the Kivineva wind and solar power project will be made available for review between September 20 and October 20, 2023, and the SEP (stakeholder engagement plan) between September 20 and October 23, 2023.

In connection with these, a public event open to everyone will be organized in the council hall of Siikalatva municipality on Monday 2 October 2023 at 17:00 (coffee service from 16:30). You can also participate in the event remotely, the Teams link for the remote connection will be published closer to the time.

The materials will be published in the next few days. The EIA program can be found at and the SEP can be viewed electronically at

Welcome to listen the progress of the project and talk with us!